Saturday, August 31, 2019

Assessments in a care environment Essay

Although there are many hazards that could be potential risks in the food environment in a hospital, there are a few which have the highest risk of  occurring and could then cause the most harm to both the service users and service providers. Whilst preparing and cutting vegetables, there is a risk that someone could cut themselves with a sharp knife or cutting equipment. Although the likelihood of this happening could be quite high when there is a lack of training involved, the severity of the injury or damage to health would be quite low considering many injuries that occur this way would be easily seen to and treated by the first aider or the person in charge. However, to prevent this risk occurring at all, all staff should be supplied with the appropriate equipment they should use and training so they are aware of how to handle the equipment in the right manor. A low level of sanitation in a food environment could cause there to be a wider and much quicker spread of bacteria through the food and surfaces which could prove to be harmful, especially in a hospital environment. Due to health and safety regulations being followed by all caring establishments, the likelihood of this happening would be a 2. However if there weren’t regulations being followed by the hospital and this was to occur then the severity could potentially be a 4/5 as the spread of bacteria in a hospital setting would be made worse when considering the weaker people in the hospital and those whose immune systems wouldn’t be able to fight off bad bacteria as well as other and could get sick or their condition could worsen if they already are sick. To prevent this all supervisors should ensure legislations, policies and procedures are being followed at all times to ensure maximum sanitation and cleanliness. Due to the wide variety of people consuming the food in the hospital, it would be vital to take into consideration allergies some people may have and to ensure they are not given food that contains or has been made in the same area as the food they are allergic to. Although the likelihood of this happening is just a 3 due to the fact all staff should adhere to procedures and take into consideration peoples allergies anyway, the severity of this if it occurs could be a 4/5 due to the fact allergic reactions could potentially severe and some cases could even lead to death. To ensure all precautions are taken with these activities and to minimise the risks which could occur from the hazards there are many things that can be done or put into place and thus prevent patients, staff or visitors from  harm. Firstly, to prevent somebody cutting themselves while they are preparing food they should be given training before hand to ensure they are aware of how to use the equipment appropriately and make sure they know which piece of equipment is the most appropriate for the type of food they are preparing. Under the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policy it states that all employers have duties concerning the provisions and use of PPE at work and should provide safety training to ensure no members of staff come to any harm (, 2015). To prevent the spread of bacteria and ensure the safety of everyone who is to consume the food available, all staff should also be given training on the appropriate ways and places to store food at the right temperatures to ensure the risk of bacteria growth is minimised. Managers of businesses or areas dealing with food have a duty to ensure all food is safe to eat, all harmful or out of date food is removed and unable to be consumed and records should be kept of where the food was bought from to provide evidence if needed. This emphasises the importance of how the Food safety act 1990 should be put into place to ensure the employers and employees stick to their duties to ensure maximum safety for service users. Also hand sanitiser should be provided and available around the hospital including the kitchen to prevent cross contamination that way (, 2015). Finally, to ensure the safety of patients and minimise the risk of something fatal happening to them, all allergies they have to foods should be recorded down and available to all kitchen staff who will be preparing food. These records should be checked regularly and all food should be prepared on separate work surfaces or chopping boards to reduce the risk of cross contamination and any allergic reactions occurring. Physical exercise class Although many form of exercise and physical movement for many patients would be greatly beneficial to their health and wellbeing, it could also prove to provide more harm to health than good if precautions are not taken. Spilt water on the floor where someone may be exercising could prove to be harmful and cause damage to their health if it isn’t seen and cleaned up by someone. Although there is just a likelihood of just 2, the severity could potentially be 3 as an injury to someone in a hospital who could be elderly  could be fatal and cause serious damage to their weak bones and skin. To minimise to risk you could put control measures into place including not allowing any food or drink to be consumed in the exercise area and to have a separate room for them to be stored. Too much exercise for some patients could over work them and cause an injury to their health if it is repeated. Exercise can cause a vast increase in both heart rate and blood pressure and could lead to ma ny serious problems if an elderly patient is doing too much. The likelihood of this causing harm to patients is 1 as both patients and staff should be aware of when too much exercise is being done and if they’re working too hard. However, if this was to occur, the severity would be 5 as weaker elderly patients could suffer from a heart attack or stroke over time if they aren’t being monitored on what exercise they’re doing and the effect it is having on their health. To control this all service providers involved in the physical activities and wellbeing of the patients should know and keep records of any conditions the patients may have which could lead to adverse effects or weaken them. All patient files should have records of what exercise patients have done to ensure they do enough to stay health but not too much that they cause themselves harm or injury. There should also be multiple members of staff observing exercise sessions to keep an eye on those more likely to over work themselves. If patients are showed how to warm up and down properly then they could injure themselves more then what they would if they warmed up. Also, if the exercise is too harsh and causes patients to have to put a lot of effort in just to complete tasks then the severity should be decreased to allow them better health. This would also help prevent a majority of excess aches and pains that would come from treating their body too harshly. Because of possible high severity of an incident is water was spilt during an exercise class, precautions should be put into place to minimise this risk and decrease the likelihood of it ever happening and injuring a patient. If drinks are restricted to one particular area or room away from where the exercise is taking place then there would be a decrease in the risk of anything being spilt in certain areas. Also if patients doing the exercise were given regular breaks to have a drink and a rest they would prevent spillages as well as prevent any pains occurring by doing too much exercise.  Secondly, the amount of exercise each individual patient is able to do would be subjective on the individual and therefore not all the patients should be forced into doing as much as others may do if they are less capable. Each patients amount of exercise should be monitored and recorded to ensure they get the right amount but are not getting too much. Also by monitoring them it would be easier to identify if any of the patients are struggling with any of the exercise methods or are in too much pain to carry on. This also applies to the third point made. The patients shouldn’t be doing exercise which is too harsh for them to carry out or if they don’t completely understand what they are doing because they could do it wrong and injure themselves severely. By allowing them to warm up and down before and after they carry out exercises and by showing them how to carry it out appropriately would lower the risk of injury and allow them to enjoy it instead of being in pain. Visiting Times Visiting hours are the busiest times in a hospital and so could potentially have many hazards involved in allowing people in and out of the hospital without appropriate precautions taken. Poor sanitation from new visitors could potentially be a big problem in a hospital as bacteria will be being bought into the wards and could enhance the spread of infections or diseases. Due to the fact a hospital has a wide variety of patients including elderly and those who have recently had surgery (meaning they may also have open wounds) the spread of bacteria could be hazardous to their health and the healing process of their injuries/wounds. The Likelihood of this happening would be 2 which is significantly low considering the change of law in 1995 which ‘provided specific recommendations to promote improved hand-hygiene practices and reduce transmission of pathogenic microorganisms to patients and personnel in health-care settings’ (,2014). However the severity of a lack of sanitation would potentially be a 4/5 as the spread of bacteria and therefore infections and diseases could be harmful to people’s health and if unable to fight it off, it could possibly even shut down some peoples immune systems. To minimise the risks of this there should be hand sanitizer and hand was stations placed all around the hospital with signs so the visitors remember to clean their hands and kill off unwanted  bacteria. Security is a vital party of a hospital to ensure the safety of everyone in the building. Without a high level of security around the hospital anyone would have access into and out of the building that may not be authorised. This could mean unwanted visitors may come in and read documents they are unauthorised to, or even confused elderly patients may get out without realising it and end up injuring themselves outside without anyone there to help. This hazard would have a likelihood of 1 and a severity of a potential 4/5 because, although it is very unlikely to happen in a hospital, if a patient were to get out they could get themselves into all sorts of trouble and not realise the danger of traffic outside causing fatal injuries or maybe even death. CCTV should be in place to monitor people in the hospital and all wards should be locked so only authorised people are able to enter and exit. Damage to property could occur during visiting hours as the hospital will be crowded with a variety of people, patients and staff which could cause some things to be damaged or broken, especially when there are a large number of visitors at one time. Although this would not directly affect the health of service users or service providers, it is a hazard to the hospital and would cost a lot of money in repairs each year if there are no control measures in place. CCTV would help monitor any damage that would occur and the person behind the damage; however there should also be signs around the hospital reminding visitors to stay orderly and respectful at all times on the wards and around the building. Due to the fact that so many different people will be entering and leaving the hospital, they could be carrying many different types of bacteria into the hospital which could cause a higher risk of the spread of infection. By providing hand sanitiser and making it widely available around the hospital and wards, all visitors and people who enter the hospital will be able to reduce the amount of bacteria they are bringing in and reduce the risk of infection. There is a hand hygiene policy which should be put into place in the hospital to ensure the safety of patients and visitors. It is well known that hand hygiene is one of the most important factors in preventing the spread of infection and the unwashed hands of all healthcare professionals and visitors is the most important route of cross-infection in the  healthcare environment (Ayliffe at al, 2000). Secondly, there should be an appropriate amount of security in and around the hospital to ensure only authorised people are getting in and out of the building. CCTV cameras should be working and placed all around the building and there should be security systems put in places at all of the entrances and exits to ensure the risk of unwanted visitors or patients getting out is minimised. This would also lower the risk of any property being damaged and if it does occur it would allow the staff to look back over the footage and identify who was at fault for any damages that occur. Although the likelihood of these occurring is predictably low, it would decrease the severity of incidents which occur as it would allow people to be identified and things could be managed before they get out of hand. Dispensing of medicines Prescribing and dispensing medicine is a vital role in hospitals to ensure all patients get the medication they need to help them recover, however there could be many possible hazards involved with dispensing medicines that could cause harm to patients and their health. Prescribing patients with the wrong dosage of medication is a possible hazard as it could lead to the patient having an overdose or having serious health problems afterwards. Although the likelihood is low the severity if this does occur is high as the health effects would be very negative and put patients health into a decline. To prevent this all patients records should be checked beforehand to ensure they are being prescribed the right amount, also the medication should be double checked before being handed to the patient to ensure no mistakes have been made. If medication is left on the side it could be consumed by someone who doesn’t need it, by a visitor not knowing what it is or even by a child who mista kes them for sweets. This could cause great harm as someone who takes them could overdose and it would have negative effects on their health if taken in large quantities, especially to a child. All medication should be locked away in a cupboard or be handled/observed by a nurse or doctor at all times to ensure no one can take them when they don’t need to or accidently. Needles could be a hazard in a hospital if not used correctly or if a nurse slips while holding one. If found left lying around someone could use one and pierce their skin injecting themselves with  something they don’t know about, or even risking infection by finding a dirty needle and using that. Also if a nurse slips whilst holding on they could injure themselves or the patient by accidently stabbing the skin. This isn’t very likely to happen as all nurses should be provided the appropriate training on how to handle needles and dangerous equipment so they don’t make a mistake. Also, all needles should be di sposed of immediately after use so they cannot be used again and cause cross-contamination. The severity for all hazards which could occur for dispensing medicines are all high and so to reduce the risk of anything serious happening or anyone being injured, policies and procedures must be put into place to ensure people’s safety in the hospital. All patient records must be checked before they are prescribed with a medicine to ensure they are provided with the right type of medicine and the right dosage. If this is done wrong it could potentially eventually lead to death for an unfortunate patient and so the dispensing of medicines policy should be put into place. The policy states that all medication should be stored, administered and disposed of appropriately to ensure minimum harm and training must be given to staff to make sure they understand how vital and critical their role could be (oxfordshireccg.nhs, 2013). All medication must be locked away and not left lying around the hospital to ensure only the appropriate staff members who have had training are able to access it and no children or vulnerable people are able to pick it up off the side and take medication which could make them sick. Finally, it is evident that needles are dangerous pieces of equipment if mishandled or in the wrong hands and so the dispensing of medicines policy should be ensured and put into place because of this fact also. All used and unwanted needles should be disposed of immediately instead of being left lying around and all staff should have training before they start in their role to ensure they know how to handle a needle and to make sure they don’t injure themselves or anyone else with one (goshospital, 2015). Moving patients between wards Naturally there would be many risks involved with carrying out this activity as there are a lot of precautions that would needed to be adhered to to make  it successful. There could also be many complications to consider if you were moving an elderly, weak or disorientated patient. The likelihood of any of the hazards occurring is low due to training the staff have and regulations they follow to ensure safety. Using the appropriate equipment is vital when moving a patient between wards as it would assist to lift and transport the patient without causing any harm to the health of either the patient or the member of staff. If a nurse is moving a patient on their own without a hoist or any help, they could injure their back by not lifting properly or injure the patient if they’re lifted in the wrong way. According to the manual handling regulations 1992 all staff should be provided with PPE and training on how to carry out tasks like these to avoid injuries or harm. The likelihood of any harm occurring is low if the regulation is followed however the severity could be 3 as the damage it could cause may need special attention. Dropping patients would be a risk if they are heavy or awkward to lift between one place to another. The severity of this if it happens would be quite high depending on the state of the patient, especially if the patient being moved is elderly or fragile, they could easily break a bone or more damage would be caused if they are dropped. Busy corridors during visiting hours could cause complications when moving a patient as it would make it a lot harder. If some of the corridors or lifts are busy you would not be able to move the patient as quickly and efficiently as liked/needed. Also, if there are people milling about the corridors it would be easier for the patient to be knocked over or injured by accident. The severity of something happening while a patient is being moved between the hospital is on average 2.5 which could be severe in the wrong situations and so staff must be provided with the right equipment and training to prevent the risk of injury or the likelihood of anything happening. Under the personal protective equipment policy it states that all staff members should be provided with the correct equipment to carry out tasks to prevent injury to themselves and the other person involved (, 2015). This could include someone like a hoist to prevent injury to the staff members back and to ensure that the patient is being lifted properly. Although dropping a patient has a low likelihood and may not happen easily, if it  does it could be severely fatal to the patient and cause them a lot of injuries. The risk of this happening would also be minimised if the correct equipment was provided to ensure the staff member doesn’t assert strain on their back/ body and it ensure that there is enough power to lift the patient, especially if the member of staff isn’t very strong. Finally to make it easier to move patients it should be done when the hospital isn’t busy so there are no visitors mulling around and getting in the way. References, (2015). Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2015]., (2015). Food safety – your responsibilities – GOV.UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2015]., (2015). Food Safety Act 1990. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2015]. Hospital, G. (2015). Sharps: disposal of used sharps – Clinical guidelines – Health professionals – Great Ormond Street Hospital. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2015].

Friday, August 30, 2019

History of Jazz Concert Report Essay

Since I have been in university, most talk of live music has revolved around â€Å"what club has a special on tonight?† or â€Å"which DJ is going to be in town this weekend?† I have nothing against electronic music but sitting in a packed bar near the Halifax Harbor listening to jazz and conversing in a booth with my friends, instead of shouting to clear the volume of dance music, has been one of the most enjoyable nights of my time at Dalhousie. I had always wanted to see some live jazz or blues here, but without the extra push of this assignment I couldn’t seem to get out to listen to any. I went to see the Charles Mingus Tribute play on Thursday, Oct. 9th at Stayner’s Wharf Pub and Restaurant with some friends in the history of jazz course with me, and with some from out of the class. The performers were Dave Staples (piano), Chris Mitchell (saxophone), Martin Davidson (saxophone), Danny Martin (trombone), Tom Roach (drums), and Tom Easley (bass). As I was listening to the jazz I was trying my hardest to take in my surroundings and analyze how the environment catered to the music, see who was in attendance, and most of all enjoy the show. When listening and watching live performances, the venue is almost as important as the music itself. The venue that the Charles Mingus Tribute played at the night I saw them was a restaurant and bar called Stayner’s Wharf. I had been there before, but in the middle of the day with no live music. The change I saw in atmosphere from that first time I experienced the restaurant to the second was tremendous. A tucked away stage with six musicians squished onto it all playing their hearts out transformed the boring restaurant into something so much more alive. The venue was a little odd because it wasn’t positioned around the players, so many people couldn’t see the stage from their tables or stools. However, even if you couldn’t see the musicians you could hear the sound so clearly throughout the entire place. It was very busy. People were standing with drinks, leaning on tables  or walls, or sitting in booths with too many people on each bench. The staff was working like crazy trying to cater to the needs of each customer and was doing an excellent job. Luckily, even though we arrived slightly late, we were able to get a booth seat with a great view of the stage. This affected the experience immensely. Being able to see clearly the onstage chemistry and improvisation was very cool. There were certain times, in between solos when two musicians would exchange head nods and other gestures to indicate when someone should start playing and other technical things that I’m sure I don’t know about. Although the music wasn’t always collective improvisation, the ability of the individual players to adapt to what the others were doing was apparent and so was the skill that goes along with that ability. Overall I think the venue was perfect for the type of jazz they were playing, and the mood that each musician seemed to be in. The musicians seemed happier, too, because they could step off and enjoy a beer in betwe en sets. Since it was after 9:00 PM and there was live music, the event was labeled a â€Å"no minors event†. This put me as definitely the youngest person in attendance, as I was yet to turn 19 at the time. My age posed as a slight problem when trying to get in, but after explaining that we were here strictly for the jazz, the manager made an exception and allowed us entrance to the event. I think the fact that I was one of the only people there not indulging in alcohol changed the way I listened to the music, especially as the show continued. Everyone I was sitting with never had an empty glass in front of them and even the musicians were drinking casually, which reminded me of speakeasies and had me imagining myself in Chicago in the 1920’s. As the audience got drunker the volume of their voices increased, and so did the applause and cheers at the end of each solo or song. However as the audience got louder and more rambunctious the musicians seemed to match the mood and volume perfectly. It was a real happy party atmosphere. In between songs, the band members would shout out to friends of theirs in the crowd or sometimes even to people they didn’t know who were there celebrating a special occasion. The special thing about the audience was how much everyone wanted to be there and to be immersed in the music. People would close their eyes and move their heads to the music and I was constantly tapping my toe on the floor or my finger on the table along with the rhythm of the drums  and bass. Overall, it was a warm audience of people from many different age groups who were there because they wanted to be there and it was clear that everyone loved the jazz. The band itself was an absolute pleasure to listen to and watch perform. It consisted of two lead saxophonists, a lead trombonist, a piano player, bass player, and a drummer. The two saxophone players were very different in their stage presence. Chris Mitchell, the older of the two, had a wild and eccentric way of playing the saxophone. Some of his solo’s reminded me almost of those by Charlie Parker. They were very fast and almost abrupt or sharp in the way they jumped out at you. As one friend of mine put it, â€Å"his stage presence was similar to that of Bobby Keys† who is most famous for playing saxophone for the Rolling Stones. On the opposing side, the second saxophone player was unbelievably young and seemed to have not quite come into his own stage persona yet. Where Chris Mitchell would move with the music, Martin Davidson seemed slightly more rigid. This didn’t detract from the sound or quality of his playing though. It was almost like watching a more experienced teacher and his student prodigy playing together in front of us that night. The band was playing jazz compositions mostly by Charles Mingus such as â€Å"Jump Monk† and â€Å"Pussy Cat Dues. So after the show I went home and listened to the titles as performed by Mingus to compare the two. I decided that I liked the live version that I saw more than the recorded version of Mingus. I think this is because of my ability to actually see the jazz and feel it around me when I was at Stayner’s Wharf. It’s hard for me to come up with any faults in the performance because of how much fun I had and how little experience I have with live jazz in general. One thing I would have liked more would have been to hear more piano over all. I have played piano since I was in grade one and advanced through my exams until grade 10 classical piano, after which I took two years of jazz piano lessons. So it is easy to say that piano is one of my favorite instruments, but I realize it isn’t usually a lead instrument for a jazz band like this. With that one personal preference aside, I had no bad things to say about the band. I thought they were charismatic on stage, sounded great and improvised together perfectly. The type of jazz played was more an art music than a popular music. It’s hard to label what jazz was being played, because Charles Mingus himself didn’t like to label any of his songs into one genre, and the band was playing his songs. But I think there was a lot of collective improvisation on stage and the styles ranged from New Orleans styled jazz to Be Bop at points. It was almost like a â€Å"mixed bag†. I think that is why I enjoyed the performance so much, because there were surprises and no song or solo sounded the same. I didn’t have the opportunity to fall bored like some people could if the musician was someone like Bill Evans, who plays slower and quieter jazz. The Jazz was definitely center of attention in the bar and was the main attraction for the night unlike other restaurants that have musicians as a sort of background music. One song, the first song we heard when we came in, had a â€Å"four on the floor† rhythm to it. I remember wa lking in and thinking â€Å"Hey! I know what that is!† Overall, the night was a success and everyone I was with thoroughly enjoyed it. After the jazz, some of my friends went to a nightclub and said that the clashing of the two experiences made them realize how much different the music of today is from the music of the past. Whether it’s a good difference or not is in the eye of the beholder. The venue, though it was small and packed, was a great place for the musicians to play. The audience was all happy, which might have had something to do with the alcohol, but it made the entire atmosphere happy as well. The Charles Mingus Tribute did an excellent job of transferring the music of Mingus to the audience that night; the soloists were unbelievable; and the collective improvisation on stage was very cool to watch. I have already decided with a group of friends that we will be going to another live jazz event in November, and I am looking forward to seeing if I can apply some more jazz knowledge learned from class at this event as well.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Effect on Economy Due to Change in Rbi Policy

Shivans gupta PGPFM nifm- Faridabad Shivans gupta PGPFM nifm- Faridabad Effect of Monetary Policy of RBI on Economy Effect of Monetary Policy of RBI on Economy 2012 2012 Effect of Change in monetary policy of RBI on Economy Economy An  economy  consists of the  economic systems  of a country or other area; the  labour,  capital, and  land  resources; and the  manufacturing, production,  trade,  distribution, and  consumption  of  goods  and services of that area.A given economy is the result of a process that involves its  technological evolution,  history  and  social organization, as well as its  geography,  natural resource endowment, and  ecology, as main factors. These factors give context, content, and set the conditions and parameters in which an economy functions. Repo rate Repo rate is the rate at which RBI lends to commercial banks generally against government securities. Reduction in Repo rate helps the commercial banks to get mo ney at a cheaper rate and increase in Repo rate discourages the commercial banks to get money as the rate increases and becomes expensive.As the rates are high the availability of credit and demand decreases resulting to decrease in  inflation. Reverse Repo rate Reverse Repo rate is the rate at which RBI borrows money from the commercial banks. The increase in the Repo rate will increase the cost of borrowing and lending of the banks which will discourage the public to borrow money and will encourage them to deposit. Cash Reserve Ratio Cash Reserve Ratio is a certain percentage of  bank deposits  which banks are required to keep with RBI in the form of reserves or balances . Higher the CRR with the RBI lower will be the  liquidity  in the system and vice-versa.RBI is empowered to vary CRR between 15 percent and 3 percent. But as per the suggestion by the Narshimam committee Report the CRR was reduced from 15% in the 1990 to 5 percent in 2002. As of October 2012, the CRR is 4. 5 percent. Statutory Liquidity Ratio Every financial institute have to maintain a certain amount of liquid assets from their time and demand liabilities with the RBI. These liquid assets can be cash, precious metals, approved securities like bonds etc. The ratio of the liquid assets to time and demand liabilities is termed as  Statutory  Liquidity  Ratio. There was a reduction from 38. % to 25% because of the suggestion by Narshimam Committee. The current SLR is 23%. Bank rate Bank rate, also referred to as the  discount rate, is the  rate of interest  which a  central bank  charges on the loans and advances to a  commercial bank. Whenever the banks have any shortage of funds they can borrow it from the central bank. Repo (Repurchase) rate is the rate at which the central bank lends short-term money to the banks against securities. A reduction in the repo rate will help banks to get money at a cheaper rate. When the repo rate increases borrowing from the centra l bank becomes more expensive.It is more applicable when there is a liquidity crunch in the market. Inflation In  economics,  inflation  is a rise in the general  level of prices  of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. [1]  When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services. Consequently, inflation also reflects an erosion in the  purchasing power  of money – a loss of real value in the internal medium of exchange and unit of account in the economy. A chief measure of price inflation is the  inflation rate, the annualized percentage change in a general  price index  (normally the  Consumer Price Index) over time.Gross domestic product  (GDP) Gross domestic product  (GDP) is the  market value  of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. GDP  per capita  is often considered an indicator of a country's  standard of living; GDP per capita is not a measure of personal income (See  Standard of living and GDP). Under economic theory, GDP per capita exactly equals the gross domestic income (GDI) per capita (See  Gross domestic income). GDP is related to  national accounts, a subject in  macroeconomics. GDP is not to be confused with  Gross National Product  (GNP) which allocates production based on ownership.Interest rate An  interest rate  is the rate at which  interest  is paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from a  lender. Specifically, the interest rate (I/m) is a percent of principal (I) paid at some rate (m). For example, a small company borrows capital from a bank to buy new assets for their business, and in return the lender receives interest at a predetermined interest rate for deferring the use of funds and instead lending it to the borrower. Interest rates are normally expressed as a  percentage  of the  principal  for a period of one year. Money supply In  economics, the  money supply  or  money stock, is the total amount of  monetary assets  available in an  economy  at a specific time. There are several ways to define â€Å"money,† but standard measures usually include  currency  in circulation and  demand deposits  (depositors' easily accessed assets on the books of financial institutions). Money supply data are recorded and published, usually by the government or the central bank of the country. Public and private sector analysts have long monitored changes in money supply because of its possible effects on the  price level,  inflation, the  exchange rate  and the  business cycle.Relation between two variables Interest rates & investments Interest rates & the bond prices are inversely related to each other. When interest rates move up, it causes the bond prices to fall & vice – versa. Say for example, you have a bond, which is yielding 10% now. Suddenly, the interest rates in the economy move up to 11%. Now your bond is giving fewer yields than the market return. Obviously it price is going to fall in such a case. Reverse is the case when interest rates fall, the bond price will move up because it is giving more returns than the market return.So movements in interest rates have serious implications for individual investments. Inflation and economy Inflation effects the economy on three sides. One, it is directly linked to  interest rates. The interest rates prevailing in an economy at any point of time are nominal interest rates, i. e. , real interest rates plus a premium for expected inflation. Due to inflation, there is a decrease in purchasing power of every rupee earned on account of interest in the future, therefore the interest rates must include a premium for expected inflation.In the long run, other things being equal, interest rates rise one for one with rise in inflation. Money supply and the economy Money supply also effects the economy on thre e sides. One, money supply is used to control the  inflation in an economy. On the demand side, whenever money supply in the economy increases, consumer-spending increases immediately in the economy because of increased money in the system. But supply can’t vary in the short – term, so there is a temporary mismatch of demand & supply in the economy which exerts an upward pressure on inflation.This argument assumes that demand drives supply, which is generally the case. On the supply side, due to an increase in demand, supply can only be increased by capacity additions. This causes the cost of production to rise & that is reflected in inflation. Two, money supply also has a direct relationship with the  growth of an economy. Until an economy reaches full – employment level, the economy growth is the difference between money supply growth rate & the inflation, other things being equal. When an economy reaches full employment level, the growth in money supply i s set off by a growth in inflation, other things being equal.This happens because output can’t rise after full employment & therefore inflation increases one for one with the money supply. Three, money supply also has a relationship with  interest rates. One variable can be used to control the other. Both can’t be controlled simultaneously. If the RBI wants to peg the interest rate at a certain level, it has to supply whatever money is demanded at that level of interest rate. If it wants to fix the money supply at a certain level, the demand & supply of money will determine the interest rates. Usually it is easier for RBI to control the interest rates through its open market operations (OMO).So, the money supply is allowed to vary but RBI controls it by playing around with interest rates through its OMO. Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) & statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) and an economy CRR is the percentage of its total deposits a bank has to keep with RBI in cash or near cas h assets & SLR is the percentage of its total deposits a bank has to keep in approved securities. The purpose of CRR & SLR is to keep a bank liquid at any point of time. When banks have to keep low CRR or SLR, it increases the money available for credit in the system. This eases the pressure on interest rates & interest rates move down.Also when money is available & that too at lower interest rates, it is given on credit to the industrial sector which pushes the economic growth. Monetary policy and economy It refers to a regulatory policy whereby the monetary authority of a country maintains its control over the money supply for the realization of general economic objectives. It involves manipulation of money supply, the level & structure of interest rates & other conditions effecting the level of credit. The central bank signals the market about the availability of credit & interest rates through this policy.The RBI fixes the bank rate in this policy which forms the basis of the st ructure of interest rates & the CRR & SLR, which determines the availability of credit & the level of money supply in the economy. So it plays a very important role in the development of a economy. Practical Analysis of the Research Table of different Monetary Rates DATE| Reverse Repo Rate| Repo Rate| CRR| SLR| Bank Rate| Mar-10| 3. 5| 5| 6| 24| 6| May-10| 3. 75| 5. 5| 6| 24| 6| Jul-10| 4| 6| 6| 24| 6| Sep-10| 4. 5| 6| 6| 24| 6| Nov-10| 5| 6. 5| 6| 24| 6| Jan-11| 5. 5| 7| 6| 24| 6| Mar-11| 5. 75| 7. 25| 6| 24| 6|May-11| 6| 7. 5| 6| 24| 6| Jul-11| 6. 5| 8| 6| 24| 6| Sep-11| 7| 8. 5| 6| 24| 6| Nov-11| 7. 75| 8. 5| 5. 5| 24| 6| Jan-12| 7. 75| 8. 5| 4. 75| 24| 6| Mar-12| 7. 75| 8. 5| 4. 75| 24| 6| May-12| 7| 8| 4. 75| 23| 9| Effect of change in Repo rate on bank Prime Lending Rate Prime Lending Rate Dates| ICICI| SBI| Repo rate| 20-Apr-12| 18. 5| 14. 5| 8| 04-01-2012| 18. 75| 14. 75| 8. 5| 13-Aug-11| 18. 75| 14. 75| 8| 04-Jul-11| 18. 25| 14. 25| 8| 07-May-11| 18| 14| 7. 75| 24-Feb-11| 1 7. 5| 13| 7. 25| 03-Jan-11| 17| 12. 75| 7| 06-Dec-10| 16. 75| 12. 5| 6. 5| 18-Aug-10| 16. 25| 12. 25| 6| | | | | | | | | | |As the repo rate and reverse repo rate have direct impact on bank prime lending rate. From year 2010 to 2012 the repo rate keeps on increasing from 6 to 8. 5 the PLR of SBI and ICICI also increasing from 12. 25 to 14. 75 and from 16. 25 to 18. 75 respectively. But as the RBI cut down its Repo Rate by . 50 points the PLR of banks also down by . 25 points. Impact of change in CRR and SLR on Money Supply As the CRR is same in 2010-11, 2011-12 i. e 6%, there is not so much change in money supply it is in between 15000-16000. But as it start to decrease in 4th quarter of 2011-12 money supply start increasing and cross to 16000.And in Ist quarter of 2012-13, CRR become 4. 75 and SLR become 23% then Money supply is 17500 cr. in Indian Economy. Reverse Repo Rate| Repo Rate| Bank Rate| CRR| SLR| money supply|   |   |   |   |   |   | 5. 75| 6| 6| 6| 24| 15100 | 5. 25| 6. 25| 6| 6| 24| 15100| 5. 5| 6. 5| 6| 6| 24| 15100| 6. 5| 7. 5| 6| 6| 24| 15100| |   |   |   |   |   | 7| 8| 6| 6| 24| 16000| 7. 5| 8. 5| 6| 6| 24| 16000| 7. 5| 8. 5| 6| 5. 5| 24| 16000| 7. 5| 8. 5| 6| 4. 75| 24| 16000| |   |   |   |   |   | 7| 8| 9| 4. 75| 23| 17500| Effect on Increase in Money supply on Inflation As Money supply increases in the economy, there is more money in the market hich ultimately increase the purchasing power of people. Because of increase in purchasing power the cost of production increases and ultimately Inflation rate increases. So money supply in 2012-13 increases to 17500 cr. The inflation rate become 10. 05 from 8. 65. Reverse Repo Rate| Repo Rate| Bank Rate| CRR| SLR| money supply| inflation rate|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 5. 75| 6| 6| 6| 24| 15100| 11. 99| 5. 25| 6. 25| 6| 6| 24| 15100| 10. 55| 5. 5| 6. 5| 6| 6| 24| 15100| 10. 23| 6. 5| 7. 5| 6| 6| 24| 15100| 9. 56| |   |   |   |   |   |   | 7| 8| 6| 6| 24| 16000| 8. 86| 7. 5| 8. 5| 6| 6| 24| 16000| 10. 06| 7. | 8. 5| 6| 5. 5| 24| 16000| 6. 49| 7. 5| 8. 5| 6| 4. 75| 24| 16000| 8. 65| |   |   |   |   |   |   | 7| 8| 9| 4. 75| 23| 17500| 10. 05| Impact of Repo rates, CRR and of Money supply on GDP Growth Rate Data categories and components| units| 2010-11| 2011-12| 2012-13| GDP(Current market price)| in rs. | 7674148| 8912178| 159527986| Growth rate| in %| 18. 1| 16. 1| 16. 9| As we see that our GDP growth rate start decreasing because of increasing rates. Because there is money declination in the market the purchasing power of people and our production starts declining which ultimately effect on our GDP growth.But as in financial year 2012-13 the RBI cut its rate by . 50 then our GDP growth rate increase by . 8 %. Conclusion RBI increase or decrease the rates i. e. repo rate, reverse repo rate, Cash reserve ratio, statutory liquidity ratio to control the money supply in the economy. As this small change in th ese ratios affect a lot on the whole economy and its various component like on investment index, cost of production, inflation, interest rate, exchange rate, prime lending rate of bank, home loan and car loan rate, deposit rate of bank and etc.In first quarter of financial year 2012-13, RBI decrease the repo rate by, reverse repo by, CRR by, SLR by the ultimate objective of this reduction in rate is to increase the money supply in the economy. As the rate decline in 2012-13, the RBI release 17500 cr. In the market. But this increase in money supply increase the purchasing power of consumer which ultimately effect on inflation and hence inflation also increase. But because of decrease in rates, it is easy to take more loan for the corporate which increase their production and in result of this our GDP also increase by . %. The prime lending rate is directly proportional to the repo rate of RBI. So there is a fall also come in prime lending rate of banks by . 25 points because of decr ease in repo rate by . 50 So, The change in monetary policy of RBI affect many other rates and and which also affect the consumer and these rates are the instrument of RBI to control the money supply in the economy. Bibliography * www. rbi. org. in * www. indiabudget. nic. in * www. wikipedia. org * www. simpletaxindia. net * www. karvy. com * www. tradingeconomics. com

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Atheism and Communism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Atheism and Communism - Essay Example Similarly, communism is a socioeconomic and political term, which also seeks unity and cohesion among the members of society by denouncing any possibility of class discrimination culture. The paper also explores the differences between the two notions under investigation by declaring that a large majority of the communists follows one faith or the other, and hence does not disassociate it with spiritual belief system altogether. However, it is fact that the Christians, Muslims and Hindus are also the followers of communist politico-economic system. Consequently, atheism and communism serve as pole-apart concepts, which share one major commonality i.e. to free the humans from getting divided, alienated and weak subsequently. The Paper The notions atheism and communism have been in vogue for the last many decades, which seek their roots in political science, history, sociology and theology. Theorists are at daggers drawn in respect of exploring similarities and dissimilarities between the two notions. One school of thought declares both the terms as quite different from one another, which should not be taken the lights of the same source. On the other hand, some of the political scientists observe close proximity between atheism and communism, as both the two, according to them; negate exploitation of one or more strata at the hands of the other in the name of religion, race, region, ethnicity, gender or socioeconomic status. Since religious faiths, class discrimination and financial positions, they insist, invite differences and gulf among the individuals, belonging to divergent groups and communities, non-adherence to the belief systems pave the way towards the creation of a homogenous society, they assert. Somehow, association between both the two can be viewed due to the very reality that both these doctrines share several commonalities in their nature and scope, and portray the picture of an undivided as well as a classless society. While atheism denies the existence of any deity, communism concentrates upon the establishment of a homogenous society without being divided into classes, communities and religious beliefs. However, they cannot be stated as the aspects of one and the same coin; on the contrary, they are quite different from each other in nature and scope. Before embarking upon the topic under analysis, it would be advisable to define both the terms under analysis: Atheism: It has aptly been observed that an overwhelming majority of the populations, belonging to every society, culture, nation, country, race, region and ethnicity of the globe, seek support from some supernatural powers at the hour when they find themselves quite helpless in the face of hardships. Such belief subsequently ripens into strong faith, and develops some specific rituals, prayers and performances, which are imitated by the entire community by taking it as the source of their spiritual uplift and relief. The statistics reveal that thousands of religi ous beliefs are followed by the millions of the people all over the globe. However, still there exists a community that has not developed faith in the Supernatural powers, and consequently declares it as atheist or without religious belief. The members of this community take life and death as the outcome of the alterations taking place in their physical and social environment, which give way to the chemical and physical changes in the environment, including the conversion of matter from one form to the other. Hence,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Market Today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Market Today - Essay Example Shopping today is characterised by binge shopping where marketers entice the modern consumer to shop their products in frenzy (Brown, 1993). As such, the current market is characterised by increased urge to consume not to satisfy a need by but for pleasure and in seeking identity as a postmodern consumer. Some of the characterized changes that have occurred in the market over the time could be grouped into modernism, critical and postmodernism eras, which have put different demands on than e-marketing function, as a response to evolving marketing needs and business operating environments. This paper outlines the three eras with the various changes that reshaped the marketing function and the respective environmental demands from the market that precipitated such changes. Critical thinking represented a significant step in business operations where scholars and researchers studied the contemporary organisation in finer details to understand how productivity could be improved. Winslow Fredrick Taylor, a management consultant, mainly concerned with the ways in which the output of any firm would be enhanced significantly, first developed the theory (Simmons, 2008). The central idea behind Taylors theory was to increase efficiency in the production functions within organisations. As Sedtke (2009) further explains, the theory demanded that work be divided into smaller movements that were highly regularised, resulting in a disciplined approach to functions at work. The result was breaking jobs into smaller sections leading to the separation of workers from each other and specialization of tasks (Tsukamoto, 2007).  

Determinism verus Free Will Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Determinism verus Free Will - Essay Example This was not only an accepted conceptual position, it was also a computational fact of life with all of the then-existing sex-role orientation measures. However, Constantinople's (1973) conceptual reorganization allowed for the possibility of two independent dimensions: masculinity and femininity. From this new vantage point, one is not forced to deny one set of characteristics in order to assert possession of high levels of the other. Now, people can be different combinations (conceptually and computationally): high on both masculinity and femininity (androgynous); high on one and low on the other (stereotypically masculine or stereotypically feminine); or low on both dimensions (undifferentiated). It was this simple, conceptual reformulation that appeared to spark the present revolution in sex-role research. Might a similar reformulation of the free will-determinism question stimulate new solutions to an antinomy that has perplexed thinkers for more than 25 centuries Before sketching a re-conceptualization of the free will versus determinism issue, this article will offer a working scientist's or a counseling practitioner's specification of the issues--not a philosopher's reformulation of this seemingly everlasting controversy. ... , in so defining these terms, it becomes unclear exactly what the implications of these conceptual moves (and research findings) might be for philosophical debate on the issues of agency, mechanistic determinism, self-determination, and free will. There have been many different construals of free will (van Inwagen, 1983) over the last two and a half millennia. Some of these construals (e.g., free will results from the absence of any physical constraint upon the agent) clearly do not square with the arguments and research summarized herein. Whenever an agent makes a choice (and then acts for the sake of that choice), however, one might see it as a free choice (and act) if indeed the agent might have chosen to do otherwise ceteris paribus (i.e., all other things being equal). The notion of free will entertained herein is seen in Robert Frost's (1951) poem "The Road Not Taken." Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. If Frost's (1951) traveller had also been able to choose "the road more [italics added] traveled by" but instead opted for "the road less [italics added] traveled by," one might assert that he or she had made a free choice. But since the time of Heraclitus (with his point that one can never step in the same river twice), philosophers and scientists recognized the virtual impossibility of meeting the demands of the ceteris paribus condition in such cases. Fortunately, new experimental methodologies now allow for the testing of the causal force of free choice in studies that do fully meet the requirements of the ceteris paribus assumption (see Howard & Myers, 1989). Like free will, the meaning of determinism has changed over time. "Determinism" was until the mid-nineteenth century a theory

Monday, August 26, 2019

Informal writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Informal writing - Essay Example As a result of these claims, a basic human right has been violated and the freedom of smokers revoked. This is total injustice to smokers and those against smoking should show the much deserved respect for the greatest human addiction. There are rising cases of obesity in the United States due to consumption of foods with high calories levels such as chocolate cakes. However, rather than taking a stand against the sale of such foods in restaurants, policy makers are focused on banning smoking in public places forgetting that cigarettes have much lower calorie levels. Is this not direct oppression and violation of a basic human right? Did we not fight for freedom during the fight for independence? Research shows that smoking affects people around a smoking person through inhalation of the cigarette emissions. As such, smoking in public is deemed to be a violation of other people’s rights due to endangerment of their health. However, the effects of smoking on secondary users are seemingly inevitable due to uncontrollability of smoke. As such, instead of banning smoking publicly, perhaps, scientists should focus on making inventions that prevent the harmful chemical emissions of cigarettes from reaching people around. As if enough damage has not already been done, policy makers have now forged on to attack tobacco producers. For example, â€Å"in 2006, U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler ordered the nation’s largest cigarette makers to publicly admit that they had lied for decades about the dangers of smoking† (Yost, 2015, para. 1). In some countries cigarette packs have messages showing the health implications of smoking such as causing cancer, risking pregnancy, causing infertility, and affecting the respiratory system among others. These high levels of attacking cigarettes are risking human happiness even more. Although

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Critical analysis of Integrated Water Resources Management Essay

Critical analysis of Integrated Water Resources Management - Essay Example This inconsistency therefore renders the solutions to water problems dependent on its availability and several other factors including the processes of management, competence and capacities of authorities tasked with the management, prevailing socio-political factors that inform the planning, development and management processes. Other factors include the suitability and implementation status of the prevailing legal frameworks; accessibility of financial resources, regional climatic, social and environmental situations; the extent and availability of exploitable technologies; national, regional and international awareness and attitudes; the levels of education and developmental conditions; governance issues including political meddling, corruption and accountability; and the availability of quality, effective and relevant research aimed at solving the water problems1. The importance of water as a resource can be adequately explained by the widespread interest it is to the general soc iety, and several public institutions that are linked to development issues at the state and local levels, the academic field, private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It is this widespread interest in water that makes its management to command a greater level of social and political attention although the levels may vary from one country or region to another and over time. Globalization has brought about a higher level of interrelation and complexity in the world, a situation that has led to a pervasive interest in issues that ensure good quality of life to the people. Water, though not the only issue takes center stage and in the recent past, there has been a substantial amount of evidence that the water problems faced by a country cannot be singlehandedly solved by the water experts and water ministries. The interconnectivity and the new level of interlink between water problems and other issues related to development demands that water problems, and management a nd development should be multi-faceted with the participation of all stakeholders including users, planners and policy-makers at all levels (INBO and GWP, 2012).2 The prevailing and upcoming predictable trends show that water problems will continuously get more complex and the interlinking with other development sectors such as agriculture, energy, manufacturing, transport and communication and social aspects of life such as education, environmental issues, and health will keep on increasing3. An issue that is of vital importance and creates significant challenge to members of the water profession is the formulation of ways of successfully addressing the current and future water problems at all stages including local, national and international levels. It is with this in mind that during the early 1980s, a number of members of the water profession came to the realization that the overall world water situation was not at a desirable level. Therefore it is imperative that when formula ting a solution, it is appreciated that the water problems are becoming more multi-dimensional, multi-sectoral and multi regional and could therefore only be solved through a multi-criterion decision making

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Research Report,what was going on in the world at the time of my birth Essay

Research Report,what was going on in the world at the time of my birth - Essay Example However this did not pen out as hoped and eventually the leadership took complete control of the country and transformed it into a totalitarian state (Kenez 67). There were several issues that had not been foreseen during the creation of the unified state. Part of the group, that was not Russian, resisted assimilation into what would make them a Russian state, and these non-Russian groups made up over fifty percent of the population. The Soviet Union was also in an arms race against the United States of America which saw the economic plan that was drafted to drive the state forward fail. The ideology that this state was built on, that is communism, which was also a big failure as totalitarian rule dominated. Mikhail Gorbachev came into power with the aim of transforming the state, as political and economic issues plagued the soviet union and put it in stagnation mode (Daily Mail Reporter). Gorbachev drafted a reform policy that allowed freedom of speech and he also started to rebuild the economy of the country; sadly, the goals that he had set for the economy did not come to fruition as expected. Giving the people a voice worked against him, they used their new found freedom to criticize Gorbachev’s failure to improve their economy. Their anger was fueled even more by the bottled up emotions of their political past (Gottfried 14). The fall The crumble of the Soviet Union started slowly, first in the areas that were occupied by non-Russians. In 1987, there was a demand for autonomy from Estonia, which was later joined by Lithuania and Latvia. Gorbachev decided not to take any harsh steps against the people who had participated in the protest. The fact that allowing the masses their freedom to do as they will would mean that the Soviet Union had less chances of survival was not lost to him (Sommers 2013). In a short span of time, protests gathered momentum in the Soviet Union. In the southern part of the Soviet Union, the Armenians demanded that they be al lowed to leave the union and join their country, the republic of Armenia. Gorbachev’s government though, refused to give the Armenians the permission to leave. The situation turned into a dispute which became volatile and eventually into a fully fledged war. The result of the protests and wars was a weak soviet union but a group of communists decided to fight and save the Soviet Union from disintegrating. They organized a coup d’etat, this they did by kidnapping their ruler, Gorbachev, and then later announced that he was very ill and could not govern the country anymore (Darraj 85). This statement caused uproar in most of the cities of the Soviet Union and in a bid to restore some peace; the military was called to calm the people. The military also decided to go against the orders and rebelled, they said that they could not fire at their people. After a gruesome three days, the organizers of the coup decided to surrender after coming to conclusion that they could not win the battle without the help of the military. They did not have enough power against the masses in the absence of the military and therefore decided to surrender, and my grandfather, whom I interviewed, informed me of the uncertainty that was felt during this time. He also stated that people all over the world

Friday, August 23, 2019

Survival of the Byzantine Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Survival of the Byzantine Empire - Essay Example The emperors of Latin ruled from 1204 to 1261. During the year 1261, the Byzantine reclaimed the throne. In 1453, it falls to the Turks. By 1081, all of the Asia Minor became conquered by the Turks. This deprived the heart of the empire. Some of the mentioned emperors would save the Byzantine Empire till it survived for the entire 400 years. Alexius Komnenus was the savior in 1081 when the Turks had defeated the Asia Minor. The Turks came from central Asia on horseback and came to attack the Byzantine Empire. By 1091, they owned the entire Turkey from the Byzantine (Hollister 25). However, the Byzantines got help from the Europe nation. It would be then referred to as the First Crusade. Many soldiers and knights left to assist the Byzantines. In addition, they would secure Jerusalem for the Christians, which Muslims had dominated. Alexius Komnenus was the previous general of Army. He took over the throne through the help of aristocracy. He rebuilt the empire. He literally established a state that lasted better and longer than anyone could expect (Haldon 54). He reformed the system of thematic which had perished for some time, changing to a form of feudalism. He was noble to serve within the army. In that process, he obtained land, which he gave peasants that joined him in war. He got rid of Venice allies, who defended the seas of the empire in return of economical advantages. Venice would always set the value of her services high. Alexius alliance stopped the advance of Duke Norman, who tried to attack Greece, and shifted his attention towards the northern front, in the south of Danube where Partzinaks had invaded the territory, and plagued Constantinople during 1090. Alexius died in 1118. After Alexius death, the empire had its power back and prestige that tried a further expansion. John II, the son of Alexius, took over. He was intelligent and wise. He avoided the influence of Venetian over the economy of the empire. He inflicted a solemn defeat to the tribes that jeopardized the empire in the Balkans. He conquered the Hungarians in the year 1128. He finally moved to Northern Syria, where he attacked the Antioch principality. He conquered them in 1138. John II became allied to the emperor of the western and Pisa to attack the Normans, who he defeated. He planned a campaign to reinstate the supremacy of Byzantine over Palestine. Unfortunately, he died in 1143. In 1161, a war erupted against the Hungarians as a result of the throne succession. The war ended in the year 1164 with vast advantages for the Byzantines. The Byzantines had obtained Dalmatia, Croatia and Bosnia. Manuel was sly, ambitious, and strong and admirer of the culture of western (Deng 25). He allied with Conrad III, the western emperor against the Normans. Conrad led the 2nd crusade with Luis Vii, the King of France. After the usual robberies and rape within the Byzantine territory by the German army, he would be conquered in Asia Minor by the Turks. The Hungarians rose s tronger, threatened the interests of the Byzantine in Russia, opposing their candidate for the Kiev Throne. However, the Byzantine diplomacy became rich due to the close relationship Manuel had with Henry II. Manuel attacked the Turk Sultanate in 1176, but he did not receive victory and lost the whole army. In 1180, Alexius II was twelve years old. His regency got assumed by Mary of Antioch, his mother. In 1182,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Should Companies That Fire Shoot First Essay Example for Free

Should Companies That Fire Shoot First Essay Abstract Blogging and tweeting on social media websites have pros and cons for an organization. Companies utilize blogs in order to promote their products and services along with relaying information about the company to the general public. Employers often encourage their employees to participate in various forms of social media. However, management should be aware of the risks and impact to the company’s reputation should the employee publish something that puts the company is a negative light. Keywords: blogging, social media, reputation Tesla CEO Elon Musk was right when he blogged about impending layoffs just before announcing them to company employees Blogging and tweeting can have both positive and negative impacts on the image and reputation of a company. The use of social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, allow employers to encourage their employees to participate in blogs in an effort to promote their brand. Some companies even use these websites as a tool to publicize the operations of the organization. By establishing and maintaining their own company website and blog, businesses are able to control the messages, both positive and negative, that are posted. (Dealbook, 2008) In an effort to intercept negative posts from the media and disgruntled employees, Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk announced on the company’s website blog that in order to maintain positive cash flow, the organization will layoff a significant amount of its workforce. The focus of the company will be developing and improving its product line while ensuring sufficient capital. Elon Musk stated that â€Å"we had to say something to prevent articles being written that were not accurate.† (All, 2008) Cake Financial, an investing advice company, published on their company blog immediately after reducing its workforce  that it was an â€Å"extremely sad day for all of us who have to say goodbye to a group of great people.† (Dealbook, 2008) The company’s CEO, Stephen Carpenter, had drafted the blog and waited until after personally speaking with the employees before publishing the post. Carpenter wanted to make sure that there were no discrepancies as to what and why the layoffs happened. In a statement to the New York Times, Carpenter stated that â€Å"our whole company is built on the idea of transparency in investing, so that was a reason why it was important for us to do it.† (Motivateandinspire, 2009) Employees responsibility when blogging about their company Employees have a responsibility to be careful about what they publish on social media websites about their company. Privacy laws and regulations related to internet use vary by state. Depending on the nature of the content, the employee could be possibly incriminating him/herself by disclosing private information. From an employer standpoint, employee blogging could negatively impact the reputation of the business if the appropriate policies and procedures are not in place. The employer may also be at risk if the employee publishes information relating to trade secrets, financial issues, or other business related matters. (Welch Shiff) Employees should be careful if they publish negative comments about their employer, its customers, and its vendors. Employers typically have zero tolerance with this type of behavior as it can be considered a form of harassment in which the company may subject to legal ramifications (Victor, 2013) The employee risks losing their job and tainting their reputation within the workplace, which may lead to difficulty in obtaining and retaining future employment. The entertainment industry has taken advantage of the posts made on social media blogs. For example, radio stations in the Boston area make prank phone calls on the air referencing previously posted, negative comments regarding clients. The radio personality will reference the content of the blog in an effort to scare or provoke the person being pranked. While these skits may seem comical to the station listener, the effects of the actual prank call may cause harm to a company or an individual. Employees who blog about their companies do not have an ethical  responsibility to disclose their identities Employees posting comments about their employer online do not need to display their name. When employees publish positive comments about their company and its culture, others may ignore the remarks as they may consider the opinions biased. If the employee publishes their name in association with the company, the prospective customer may feel overwhelmed and smothered by knowing the same person is using social media, in addition to traditional methods of advertising, to sell their product or service. On the contrary, when employees publish negative comments about their employer, it make spark a wave of unwanted publicity for the company. Developing a policy for handling communication of sensitive issues, inside and outside, the company Deleting or retracting online posts that have been published can be impossible. Therefore, companies should develop an internet policy for handling communication of sensitive issues both inside and outside the organization. While the company may want employees to express themselves, guidelines should be established. Some of the areas that need to be addressed in a formal, written policy include: (Guerin) a. Personal use and abuse of company property and resources b. Appropriate use of organizations name c. Applicability of existing company policies i. Harassment – inappropriate comments ii. Privacy – disclosing confidential information/trade secrets/financial information/falsifying data/using company logos/using company name to promote products Employers may want to consult with an attorney or human resource specialist in order to ensure that they develop an internet policy that will help to prevent any negative public relations regarding the company and its products and services. Conclusion Since social media is becoming an essential part of the business world, companies should invest in learning about the rewards and consequences of using this source. By obtaining an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages, the company will be more equipped in handling negative (as  well as positive) public relations and have a plan for damage control for repairing their tarnished reputation. References Blogging the Layoff. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2014, from Employee Posts on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and Blogs | (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2014, from The Layoffs Will Be Blogged. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2014, from Newest blog topic from CEOs: Layoffs | Article | Link Grabber | Leadership training, management skills, employee motivation: (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2014, from Grabbertype=Publishingmod=Publications::Articlemid=8F3A7027421841978F18BE895F87F791tier=4id=7C0FA76B4F4A4E53B4D97C3A4B2487ECAudID=AA83ED248A3241A5AE080E2B6DED1F5F Off-the-clock Harassment Can be Costly: What Emplo yers Need to Know. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2014, from Tesla Motors replaces CEO, plans layoff CNET. (n.d.). Retrieved May 16, 2014, from The rules of company blogging: Avoiding employee misuse and abuse. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2014, from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Spearman VS. Gardner Essay Example for Free

Spearman VS. Gardner Essay Charles Spearman (1904) defined and developed a unilinear testing approach to general intelligence (g), which is based on a positive correlation among varying subjects like math, earth sciences and vocabulary. Gardner (1983) proposed there were multiple intelligences (MI), or seven areas of intelligence, linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal, and that each person has more than one of these skills. While testing of g intelligence is still used to assess overall IQ, universities and corporations look at the wider consideration offered by Gardner. Spearmans theory creates an environment that places strong emphasis on getting a high IQ score and high scores on a number of placement tests useful for schooling. However, as Gardner has said, these place too high an emphasis on IQ and test scores, and in ignores certain intelligences and abilities that people can bring to the workforce. Relying solely on IQ test scores not only can exclude an individual with superior a talent (g) from getting a proper education in the area of expertise, but can eliminate the individual from the education and professional arena altogether. We are all endowed with multiple, genetically determined forms of intelligence that can be enhanced through practice and learning, yet this is ignored in the process of rewarding individuals for high IQ according to Spearman. Unfortunately, MI theory is only just being put into practice at the educational level. Wallace Shilkus, a middle school technology education teacher in Illinois, wanted to know how relevant technology education was to middle school students; whether his methods of instruction made a difference in the classroom; and whether Gardners multiple intelligences had a role to play in the classroom. (Merrill, 2004, 6). Shilkus tied the in-class study to action research to document his teaching methods and benefits to his students in 2001, and found (using CO2 cars as the activity) that his students demonstrated most of the intelligences. Throughout this process, Shilkus noticed differences in himself as the teacher and his students as the learners. Moreover, Shilkus discovered that by presenting the material and requirements of the CO2 car activity in different forms, the students excelled. (Merrill, 2004, 6). Spearmans theory still reigns, as Gardners theories are just being put into practice, making one wonder what would happen to IQ testing and educational systems if, based on Shilkuss success, Gardners MI were put into practice on a scale approaching that of Spearman. Apparently, Gardners theory that students are being held back is supported and if his theory were put into practice, all students could excel and increase their chances for success in the workplace. I believe that Gardners Multiple Intelligence in more inline with society today. Knowledge cannot be put into just two types and tested that way. There are many different types of knowledge and if you included more of them into tests and stopped timing people on tests there would be a clearer understanding of why there are so many people failing the tests. You would know exactly what is wrong and could teach them more in-depth on that subject. Common sense is also a type of intelligence that needs to be tested if testing for the perfect IQ. A person could be a genius when it comes to academics, but have no understanding of common sense. You would have to be a genius in both to truly be a genius. IQ tests are not very accurate and do not go in depth enough on subjects. There may not even be a way to fully test to see if someone is a true genius. It would be a challenge to come up with a test to see if someone is an all around genius. References: Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books. Merrill, C. (May 2004). Action research and technology education. The Technology Teacher, 63, 8, 6. Shepard, R; Fasko, D, Jr; Osborne, FH. (2004). Intrapersonal intelligence: affective factors in thinking. Education. Available:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Explaining Prophets And Their Duties Religion Essay

Explaining Prophets And Their Duties Religion Essay From a Biblical perspective, a prophet is a spokesperson on earth who proclaims Gods word, revealing things that would happen in the future. This utterance is called prophecy because its divinely inspired, and involves, revelation or interpretation. This essay will illustrate a study on prophecy in the Old Testament (OT), various people who met the criteria of being true prophets and identify those who were known to be false prophets. Further, an insight on different kinds of prophecy and there fulfilment will also be demonstrated. Prophets through various scriptures in the bible were referred to as men of God or servants of God to implicate the seriousness of their status. After the fall of man, God had a divine plan to restore His love relationship with humans and this was portrayed throughout the OT. Tholuck titled the prophets as the ancient preachers of the Church, he said, The prophets were the living depositaries of the idea of the theocracy or kingdom of God. In other words prophecy erected from the foundation of Gods law and it was the prophets who imposed it. According to the prophetic criteria, bible theologians state that Enoch (Gen. 5: 24) and Noah (Gen. 6: 9) qualified as prophets, because God spoke through them, but it was Abraham whom God first spoke of as a prophet when He warned King Abimelech against marrying Sarah (Gen. 20: 6-7). According to Bible theology, God chose the Israelites to be His representatives on earth to whom He could reveal Himself, by speaking through His chosen advocates known as the prophets so that all other nations could be blessed and know the true Living God. He wanted humans to know that He was their creator and He had divine plans and a purpose for them to live according to His will. He gave them His laws to which they were to live by, and He was to be their God. It was those laws that caused conflict between God and His people. Chris Wright believed that it was the Holy Spirit who inspired the prophets. He said, He is the Spirit who spoke through the prophets, inspiring their commitment to speak the truth and to stand for justice. This was affirmed by Peter in The New Testament when he contested the origin of the OT prophecies (2 Pet. 1: 20-21), and was evident when Saul got anointed as king and the Spirit of God took control of Him and he prophesied (1Sam. 10: 10). Since prophets were the mediators of God, they only spoke in the name of God, lived by faith and demonstrated the holiness of God, as Zechariah father of John the Baptist said in his prophecy that, As He said through His holy prophets of long ago (Luke 1: 70). The prophets had to be fully obedient to what God required of them hoping in Gods Spirit that strengthened and worked through them. Fulfilment was a key issue in the prophetic movement. Through Isaiah, God said, As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isa. 55: 10-11). Such prophecy took away any doubt about Gods will especially to the prophets themselves, who prophesied to a doubtful nation. One writer said, The criterion of true prophecy is what it should be-truth, the correspondence between the prophetic word and the realities of history. Any prophet who spoke oracles of other gods other than the God of Israel would be known as a false prophet. So the prophets main role was to co mmunicate Gods message in its fullness. Since it was Gods divine plan to use prophets to convey His messages, He illustrated that He purposely set them apart, He said, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. (Jer. 28: 5). Prophets were from diverse back grounds, for example Amos was a shepherd (Amos 1:1), Elijah was a priest and Elisha was a herdsman (19:15-21). Although men were popularly used, women like Miriam; sister to Moses (Micah 6: 4); Deborah who served as an Israelite judge (Judges 4: 4); Huldah (2 Kings 22:14) and Noadiah (Neh. 6: 14) also served as prophets. God revealed Himself and communicated to His prophets through visions and dreams or spoke audibly to them as in the case of Moses. He said, Listen to my words: When there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, reveal myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams (Num. 12: 6). So this is why prophets had common characteristics that identified them as Gods messengers. Their messages exposed the nature and attributes of God to men (Deut. 5:4-10); made known to men the laws of God (Ex 20: 1-17); to call the people back in obedience to Gods laws (2Chr 24:19); exhorted the people to sincerity in worship (Jer. 7:1-11); warned the Israeli tes of Divine judgment upon sin, both personal and national and foretold future events which God had willed especially the coming of the Messiah (Isaiah 9:6). According to the O.T, there are three sections of books which are refered to as prophetic books and they are known as; (Joshua to Kings) the former prophets, major prophetic books (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel), and finally the Minor Prophets (Hosea to Malachi). The prophetic ministry in the O.T intensified at the beginning of the Exodus when God appointed Moses and Aaron as His prophets with a mission to rescue and lead His people out of slavery from the land of Egypt after 430 years. God gave a specific oracle to Moses that His chosen people were being called to worship him. The prophetic movement appeared throughout The Exodus 1446 BCE and the period of the Israelites captivity by the Assyrians and Babylonians, to the times of Zechariah who was associated with the restoration of the temple in 521-515 BCE. There is a mention of many false prophets in the O.T. God clearly warned the Israelites never to approve of such prophets, and he would test them to see if they would remain faithfully (Deut. 13: 1-5). It was a warning that was repeatedly issued with an example of Hananiah a false prophet in Judah in the reign of King Zedekiah. (Jer. 28: 1-17). God even approved of the death of such prophets when He said, But if any prophet presumes to speak anything in my name that I have not authorised him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die (Deut. 18: 20). Prophet Elijah also challenged Jezebels prophets of Baal to show that he was serving A Living God, unlike all other gods that were worshiped in the land. He killed 450 false prophets from that confrontation (1 Kg. 18: 19-40). Prophets could also be manipulated or bribed to defy God, as in the case of King Balak of Moab who asked Balaam to curse the Israelites. Now come and put a curse on these people, because they are too powerful for me. Perhaps then I will be able to defeat them and drive them out of the country. For I know that those you bless are blessed, and those you curse are cursed (Num. 22:6). Balaams response indicated that he communicated with God (Num. 22: 9-41). God revealed that He could use anything to prophecy as was in the case of Balaams donkey (Num. 22: 28). Another aspect of prophetic experience, involved the prophet himself who performed portents to support the prophecy e.g. Isaiah walked naked for 3 years in the land (Isa. 20:2); Hosea expressed the prophecy by being obedient to what God told him. Go and marry a prostitute so that some of her children will be conceived in prostitution. This will illustrate how Israel has acted like a prostitute by turning against the Lord and worship ing other gods. (Hos. 1: 2). Though Gods prophets differed on how they prophesied, the emphasis of their messages was common. It was about sin, judgement, wrath of God, repentance, love, mercy and forgiveness of a compassionate God. For example Moses was a law giver and urged the Israelites repeatedly never to take on the pagan practices of the people of the Promised Land because God Himself would raise another prophet like him to continue a prophets great role. (Deut. 18: 14-17). The Prophet Elijah was a spiritual revivalist, and Isaiahs prophecies were upon the royal house of Judah. Prophets suffered persecution, and they were often disregarded, despised and rejected especially by rebellious kings and people who had hardened hearts and continually disobeyed Gods law, But the people would not listen and continued to follow their former practices. (2 Kg. 17: 40). Ungers Bible dictionary quotes, The genius of Old Testament prophecy was rather, a prediction of the future arising from the conditions of the present and was inseparably connected with the profoundly religious and spiritual message the prophet was called to proclaim to his own generation. Some prophecies of the OT were Forth telling prophecies that called back people unto their God in terms of repentance and change, as in the case of Jonah when God relented and withdrew plans of disaster upon Nineveh (Jonah 2). Fore telling prophecies, gave the people time to obey, seek and pray honestly to God, a significantly important feature of Biblical prophecy. Such prophecies promised restoration and events that would be fulfilled in the future declaring salvation, especially those that announced the coming of a Messiah who would come at Gods appointed time, as the final perfect sacrifice to God who would redeem mankind and fulfil the reconciliation of God and man (Hos. 14; Amos 9: 11-15). Overall, Jesus was the completion of the prophetic scriptures in the OT. Jesus testified in His time that He was the reference point of the OT prophecies. I will proclaim the LORDs decree: He said to me, You are my son; today I have become your father. (Psalm 2:7). Bible Scholars, G and R Konig said, Jesus is unique among all people in history in that he is the fulfilment of centuries of Messianic prophecies, which are found in the Old Testament that foretold his place of birth, details of his life, his mission, his nature, his death, and his resurrection. From a theological perspective, God affirms both His power and right to judge, and His steadfastness in the end to save. Jeremiah prophesied of the new covenant, whereas Ezekiel had a vision of a new temple centre stage (Ezek. 40, 48). Isaiah is also memorable for its Messianic promises (Isa 9:2-7, 11:1-9), and ideas of new creation and Exodus. If Judgement and salvation are the fabric of the OT history, it explains why so much of it was the work of the prophets, because God expressed His heart through the prophets in order to restore His relationship with man. Prophecy is one of the major ways in which God communicates His will to mankind even up to this age as written: Then he turned to his disciples and said privately, Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it. (Luke 10: 23-24). The prophetic movement was a significant phenomenon in history of Divine revelation. Therefore, without the prophecies in the Old Testament, humans wouldnt know of Gods intentions. This can only be summarised as Gods Divine love for mankind.

Comparison on Watership Down and From Hutch to House Pets.... :: Free Essay Writer

Comparison on Watership Down and From Hutch to House Pets.... Not every author has the same opinion on certain creatures' status as living things. The extract from "Watership Down" by Richard Adams and the article "From Hutch to House Pets A Rabbit is the Perfect Companion, Even Inside the Home" by Susan Clark are written from a different format of text and therefore have different persuading technique on rabbits as subject matter. These two pieces are concerning rabbits, however, the authors regard rabbits as animals with different intellectual levels. In the newspaper article and the extract from a novel, the authors illustrate the relationships between humans and rabbits in very contrasting ways. In the extract from "Watership Down," the rabbits are personified to perform human activities; such as socializing with other rabbits, which humans would find unusual and impossible. Through rabbits, Adams can scoff at humans who cannot "sense much in a strange place where they cannot see, but with rabbits it is otherwise." Humans are also considered as shallow-thinking beings, because they don't "sense †¦ where they cannot see," "except the courageous and experienced blind [people]." The roles of rabbits and humans have been reversed within the two texts; in the novel extract, rabbits are thinking creatures and on newspaper it's regarded as normal house pets. In the newspaper article, rabbits are considered by the journalist as the "perfect pet" and "miraculous creature" because unlike cats or dogs they are pets that need very litt le taking care of. Both texts also discuss how rabbits are "social creatures [from] the wild †¦ [and] benefit greatly from †¦ living indoors with humans." Adams explains that among themselves "rabbits mingled naturally." Again, mockery against human is being mentioned again in the extract from the novel, "[rabbits] did not talk for talking's sake, in the artificial manner that human beings - and sometimes even their dogs and cats do." Adams is trying to challenge the readers' opinion on whether humans only socialize superficially or The comparison between rabbits and other animals as being pets keep reappearing within the two different texts. Adams portrays the rabbits as more sociable animals, unlike cats and dogs that are often used as pets by humans. According to Adams, rabbits apparently intermingle with other rabbits "not for talking's sake," instead they: "[get] to know what the strangers smelt like, how they moved, how they breathed, how they scratched, the feel of they rhythms and pulses.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Impact of the Great Depression on the Characters in Tillie Olsen’s nove

Impact of the Great Depression on the Characters in Tillie Olsen’s novel Yonnondio: From the Thirties The Great Depression of the 1930’s, which has been called the â€Å"invisible scar, the absent presence,† continues to impact American culture (Rabinowitz 17). The devastating effect of failed businesses, the dust bowl, farm foreclosures, and an unemployment rate of 30 percent reminds us that capitalism is fallible. Although we recall with humility this bleak period of our history, we seldom reflect on the plight of the Depression’s most vulnerable victims--the underpaid, uneducated working poor. In Yonnondio: From the Thirties, Tillie Olsen gives readers a searing personal account of a family struggling to escape, or at least manage, abject poverty. Their journey from a Wyoming mining town to a farm in South Dakota to a slaughterhouse in Omaha presents one disaster after another for the Holbrook family. Because of this cycle, they represent thousands of unsung heroes who struggled to survive and maintain a family unit during difficult times. Although the novel depicts the family’s struggle as a unit, three members emerge as the main characters. Trapped by lack of opportunity and a faltering self-image, Jim Holbrook works under subhuman conditions to provide for his family. His struggle demonstrates how patriarchal culture oppresses both men and women into ascribed roles based on impossible ideals. Anna, his wife, holds the family together with the meager resources brought in by her husband, who devalues her role because she is a woman and earns no money. As a result of this oppression, she grapples with her own identity, as motherhood and domestic responsibility limit her opportunities for personal fulfillment an... ...ieb, Annie. â€Å"A Writer’s Sounds and Silences.† The New York Times Book Review 31 March 1974: 5. Faulkner, Mara. Protest and Possibility in the Writings of Tillie Olsen. Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 1993. James, Elizabeth. â€Å"Written, They Reappear: Rereading Yonnondio.† Frontiers 18.3 (1997):141-45. Macpherson, Heidi Slettedahl. â€Å"Class-ifying Escape: Tillie Olsen’s Yonnondio.† Studies In Contemporary Fiction 41.3 (2000): 263. Orr, Elaine. â€Å"On the Side of the Mother: Yonnondio and Call It Sleep.† Studies in American Fiction 21.2 (1993): 209-15. Rabinowitz, Paula. Labor and Desire: Women’s Revolutionary Fiction in Depression America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1991. Tyson, Lois. â€Å"Feminist Criticism.† Critical Theory Today: A User Friendly Guide. New York: Garland Publishing, 1999. 117-152.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

John Steinbecks East of Eden - Religious References :: East Eden Essays

Religious References in East of Eden Religion constantly appears throughout Steinbeck's East of Eden. Among these religious appearances are the similarities between the Cain and Abel story and the characters, the Hebrew word timshel, and the presence of God/Fate in the novel. First, East of Eden is a reenactment of the Cain and Abel tale. Many similarities are seen between the two. The title East of Eden comes from the biblical tale when " 'Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden' " (Steinbeck 352). The relationship between Abel and Cain, who killed Abel, is similar to those of Adam and Charles, who once tried to kill Adam, and Aron and Caleb, who informed Aron of their mother's profession, an act which led to Aron's death in World War I. Charles and Caleb fight for their fathers' affections in the same way in which Cain fought with Abel over the Lord's attention. Also in the novel, "the Cain characters ... are identified by names beginning with "C" (Cyrus, Charles, Cathy, Caleb) and the Abel characters ... with "A" (Alice, Adam, Aron, Abra)" (Lisca 269). Next is the word timshel-- thou mayest-- a Hebrew word spoken to Cain by the Lord: " 'if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him' " (Steinbeck 351). Lee discovers that the verb in this passage has been translated as both thou shalt [rule over evil] and do thou [rule over evil].With the help of his Chinese elders and a Jewish Rabbi, Lee determines that the original meaning is thou mayest-- "the word timshel ... gives a choice" (398) or free will to mankind to commit good or evil acts. This word appears often in the novel and is important at the very end where Adam's final timshel blesses and forgives Caleb and reminds him that even after his "murder of his brother ... he can still choose his course and fight it through and win", meaning Caleb still has the chance to overcome the tendency for evil which he believes he has inherited form his mother. (Gribben 96) One of the novel's epiphanies is Lee's translation of timshel to thou mayest. This translation puts choice into man's destiny. According to this view, we are not condemned; we have a choice between good and evil.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The impact of Christian Religious Education

The context of studying religious in a society such as ours, Christian religious educations give me the opportunity to learn from religion (Christian religion) in an organized Manner.From my perspective, Christian religious education aims to support and develop my religious identity by giving me the opportunity to participate at Christian religious practices. Religious education like Christianity involves religious practices such as praying, caring for others, and dealing with the challenges of life.In these practices I see Christian religious education as an inspirational reality of God’s teaching; the only reliable tool that I rely on in the time of difficulties and challenges. The concepts of God, creation, redemption, or eternity are concepts that are difficult to understand unless with faith and the teaching of Christian religious education.From this standpoint, progress in Christian religious education refers to my participation at religious practices in a more proficien t way. The aim of this paper is to get a clear view on the significance of studying Christian Religious Education and its impact on me as an individual.Growing up as a KidAs a kid growing up I attended Catechism classes (first Holy Communion and Confirmation), as far as going to the seminary (Catholic seminary) after my graduation from high school. I attended catechism classes and was taught the Catholic doctrines and other Christian beliefs.Therefore, Christian religious education has impacted my life and my personal growth. Consequently, learning through religious education enables me to:Develop my knowledge and deepen my understanding of the Christian faith, especially my Catholic faith and other Christian beliefs. It helps me understand the relevance of the Catholic faith and the meaning of life. It fosters the values, attitudes and practices which are well-suited with my faith as Christian. Christian religious education develops my skills of reflection, critical thinking, and h ow to act in accordance when making moral decisions. It nurtures my prayer life as an individual.It helps me understand and appreciate significant aspects of other Christian traditions such as observing lent, the practice of station of the cross and advent season. The observance of all of these makes a positive difference to my Christian life and put my beliefs and values into action.The Influence of Christian Religion Education on meThe impact of Christian religious education on me is that it transfers Christian moral values and norms to me as person or individual growing up to become responsible and appreciating myself and others. It teaches me the actual duty of a Christian and acquaints me with religious practices and obedience to authorities in the neighborhood, homes, state and in the universal society.Christian religious education helps me to develop the knowledge and understanding of Christianity and especially, the catholic doctrine. Christian religious education specially the catholic doctrine have taught me some religious norms and it values and has encouraged me to learn from various religious beliefs, values and culture while at the same time, focusing my own beliefs regarding my religion.My study at the seminary and catechism classes has also help me to be mature personally and socially as well as refining my judgments and decisions on religious, moral and social issues, preparing me for life in a secular society.During my time in primary school I can clearly recall that Christian religious education in the context of catholic religious teachings popularly known as â€Å"doctrine† in catholic schools was a compulsory subject for us. It was mandatory subject, not an optional one.In fact anyone who could not pass doctrine in St. Francis high school (Pleebo, Maryland County) is assumed not to be able to do well or pass other subjects. As the result, Christian religious education gave me a stronger sense of my identity and it made me to know m y place in the world that I live in through Christian religious and ethical teaching.Christian Religious education guides me through my spiritual journey. It motives me and helps me been focus on my spiritual life. If I don’t understand what I am implementing in my life, then I will end up losing focus in my Christian activities.Christian Religious education aids me in instructing me how to understand the existence of God and how to obey his commands. Christian Religious education assists me in keeping me from doing the wrong things and repeating the same mistakes over and over again.It instructs me to obey authorities and follow the teaching of the scriptures, so that I may teach the little one or my own kids the ways of life of my religion (Christian) and how to follow it teachings. Encourages me to look more into what I accept as true and reflect on that spiritual knowledge. It helps me understand the Word of God as expressed in the Christian scriptures and especially the teachings of the Catholic Church. And considering how situations can affect the way that I understand things in my lives and the world around me. Reflecting on the Catholic beliefs that my life has meaning, therefore, the essence of Christian religious education is to help me to value the teachings of the scriptures and that which God reveals in our lives.It helps me recognize such knowledge and understand issues which are never fully realized except in actual relationships with the scripture (God) or teaching of Christian religion education. It helps me truly develop and  engage common issues in concrete actions.Why Christian Religion Education Matters to me?Christian Religious education makes a distinctive contribution to my well-being. It promotes my moral, social and above all my spiritual, development. It prepares me for societal challenges and future responsibilities. Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. Christian Religio us education try to explain or give meaning to challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. It develops my knowledge and understanding of the nature of religion and belief including Christianity, and other principal religious issues, such as the TRINITY, (three persons in one God).God the FATHER, God the SON and God the HOLY SPIRIT, philosophy that are difficult to understand. Christian religious education offers me the opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development. It enhances my awareness and understanding of Christianity and beliefs, teachings and practices. Christian religious education had impacted my life, to be more precise, it helps me to understand issues of faith and the existence of God. There are things I cannot do because of my beliefs and faith.I cannot take away human life, because I have value for other and the life of peop le. I cannot encourage abortion or homosexual arts.Taking away other life is murder, murder is a crime. Christian religious education, specially my doctrine (catholic doctrines) forbids that. And Christian religious educations help enhance and foster my beliefs. Therefore, my value of God is deepening.Christian religious education today is vital. As the issue of extremism emerges, I begun to wonder how these people lost their moral direction and they have turn against society in the name of religion. One might want to look to their religion as one aspect of what shaped their thinking.Instead of judge them; I extend forgiveness, because my religion (Christianity) teaches me how to forgive. After all, Christ said in the Bible â€Å"he who is without sin should cast the first stone.†Christian religious education is priceless. Christian religion offer open debate about all moral and ethical points of view. It is open to free debate, unlike other religions which forbids open discu ssion of some critical issues.In order to combat ignorance, Christian religious educations enlighten my mind. It causes me to act as detects by the scripture or my doctrine.The reason a society falls is its lack of morality. Christian religious education taught me about morality, ethics and to love others, even if they don’t act very loving toward me.The skills, understanding and knowledge acquired from Christian religious education during my seminary and catechism class’s days, couple with my Christian ethics class at AMEU is very necessary. They help to broaden my knowledge and positively sharp my thinking to be mature in my attitudes.Christian religious educations help me to be open minded, value for others and self understanding. Experiencing self-assurance about my own beliefs and identity and increasing my perception of my religious, moral and spiritual ideas.ConclusionIn conclusion to this paper, I will say Christian religious education from all angle and from a ll area of society has shown without any doubt its significance on me as individual and society cannot be ignored.Christian Religious Education has prove to make available openings for spiritual expansion in the course of helping me to think about and act in response to questions of meaning and function in life, and questions about the s existence of God and morals in human society; to consider and react to  critical issues especially issues of morality and real challenges of life.This has helped me to make clear and knowledgeable decision on religious and moral issues. Our society today is face with many moral issues, such as same sex marriage know as gay marriage and the issue of abortion. Christian religious education has helped to develop my sense of character and belonging, preparing me for life as individual in society.It gives me consciousness and understanding of my beliefs, including practices and values of Christianity. Christian Religious Education is a tool that streng then my ethical attitude and values, including choices and behavior and my believed toward abortion, drugs and homosexuality.